Horário do Servidor, Site e Fórum - GMT -3
Duração dos Buffs, Dances e Songs - 2 horas
Máximo Slots de Buffs - 28+4
Máximo Slots de Dances e Songs - 16
Chance Mínima de Debuffs - 10%
Chance Máxima de Debuffs - 50%
Olympiads Max. Enchant - 6
Sistema Anti-Bot (Gameguard)
Geodata e Pathnodes - Sim
Sub-Classe Quest - Não
Sub-Classe Level Máximo - 85
Classe Master - Sim
Off-line Shop mode - Sim
Auto Learn Skills - Sim
Auto Learn Loot - Sim
Auto Learn Raid & Grand Boss Loot - Não
Vitality System - Sim
Champions System - Sim
Wedding System - Sim
Party Farm System - Sim
Tournament System - Sim
Party Farm
Every 3 hours - 00:00,03:00,06:00,09:00,12:00,15:00,18:00,21:00Duration - 45 minutes
Every day 20:00 -3GMTDuration - 60 minutes
VIP System
Experience (EXP) - 1000xSkill Points (SP) - 1000x
Adena - 1000x
Drop 2x
Experiência (EXP) - 500xSkill Points (SP) - 500x
Adena - 500x
Drop Itens - 1x
Quest Experiencia (EXP) - 1
Quest Skill Points (SP) - 1
Quest Adena - 1
Quest Drop Itens - 1
Spoil - 1x
Weight Limit - 500x
Manor - 1x
Extract Fish - 1x
Safe Enchant - 4Max. Enchant - 12 ( See Discord Channel #time-line , To see evolution Max Enchant )
Normal Scroll chance - 75%
Blessed Scroll chance 75% e não cristaliza
Ancient Scroll chance 75% e é seguro
Divine Scroll chance - 100%
Elemental Stone chance - 50%
Elemental Crystal chance - 30%
Siege & TW
Siege - Sunday 16H -3gmtTW - Sunday 16H -3gmt
L2JGuard SystemSystem Protection - You will only be able to log in with the server's own system (Released Interface)
DDoS Protection
Farm System: All farm areas in the game exclusively drop custom coins.NPCs - Weapons, armor and accessory NPCs are exclusively retail to provide a unique experience in a fun and competitive environment.
All configurations and features that were not reported here are Retail, that is, the same as the official Lineage II, or were considered irrelevant.
Todas as configurações e características que não foram informadas aqui estão Retail, ou seja, iguais ao Lineage II oficial, ou foram consideradas irrelevantes.